Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

The Lazy Student Confession


ESP is one of my training courses for listening, writing and speaking English fluently. Basically, it is easy to learn English when we serious and discipline to learn it. But in the process students sometimes falls in environmental influences etc. that causing the students lazier and not attending the lecture as well. and I was the one who fell by its influences. My inability to discipline, serious, focus on the lecture led me to regret at the last. So this short term program is the logical consequence that I should get to understand how to learn English well.

Ini merupakan tugas pertama yang saya kerjakan selama kuliah bahasa inggris di UMM. Itupun saya hanya membuat teks bahasa indonesianya dan kemudian di translete di google lalu masuk pada pengedit oleh Silma (Sekum IPPMAK MALANG).
Maafkan saya yang terlambat sadar dan belajar bahasa inggris.

2 komentar:

محبّ الدّ ين mengatakan...

luar biasa masih ada catatan tugas pertamanya... jadi kenangan nih.. Ops.. salah, mungkin jg bukan sekedar kenangan. :D

yes mengatakan...

wkwkwkwk, dalemmm